Monday, January 3, 2011

Winter Park n' Huck @ Quyon Falls

What a nice way to finish your holidays by throwing yourself off an icy waterfall at -10 celsius weather!
Richard and I were both off work today so we decided to head 30 minutes out of town to our little park n huck spot @ Quyon Falls. Water was at its highest point so far this year and the shorelines and the river downstream were iced up pretty good so we had safety set up below just in case something did happen. After losing at rock paper scissors to see who would run them first..I got ready and fired off. Didnt place my boofstroke properly as it was the first waterfall I ran in 4 months and ended up right in the meat. My skirt imploded and I braced my a$$ off and tried to make it to shore without a swim! Awesome day!


  1. Pis? As-tu fais plus qu`une descente? Celle-là semblt un peu difficile...hehe

  2. HAHAHA Ouais.. mettons que jai pas donner mon boof stroke a la bonne place.. je lai placer a gauche dans la glace a la place de la droite dans le courant! Je lai descendu 2 autres fois et Richard environ 5 fois en tout! Sit tu regardes mes photos de cet ete, tu remarquera que le courant est au moins 3 fois plus fort.. Jsuis juste content de ne pas etre rester pris dans le rappel.
